Wherever there is a dialect there is a cuisine

“There is a beautiful Hindustani saying, ‘Kosa kosa per pani badle, chare kosa per vani,’ which means "Every two miles the water changes, and every four the language." So that, in fact, is the geography of taste and terroir in India.” This week on the show, we talk with sociologist Krishnendu Ray about place and food and caste in India and how identity can be defined as much by what you DON'T eat, as by what you DO eat.   And we share a recipe for a home grown hot sauce that cannot be prepared indoors. 

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Earth Eats is a show about food and farming. It’s storytelling, recipes, farm visits, and kitchen sessions. We have conversations with scholars, chefs, growers, and food justice activists. We hear from authors, artists, scientists, poets, and people who love to eat. Earth Eats is a production of WFIU Public Radio and Indiana Public Media.