What we need in Australia's new nature laws

What we need in Australia's new nature laws  The Federal government is overhauling the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act or EPBC Act (1999) after a damning review published in 2020. The public is encouraged to have their say via the following website:https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/australias-new-nature-positive-laws Euan Ritchie, Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at Deakin University, and his colleagues have described 5 things we need to see in Australia’s new nature laws if we are to avoid disaster and even more biodiversity decline. Euan explains what to look for.https://theconversation.com/5-things-we-need-to-see-in-australias-new-nature-laws-217271 We also hear from Kate Umbers, Managing Director and founder of Invertebrates Australiahttps://theconversation.com/trapped-australias-extraordinary-alpine-insects-are-being-marooned-on-mountaintops-as-the-world-warms-211104https://www.3cr.org.au/earthmatters/episode/emissions-impossible-and-biodiversity-knife-edge-alpine-insect-decline Rob Fowler, Professor of Environmental Law, who spoke to 3CR in 2020 about the interim report of the  review of the EPBC Act.https://www.3cr.org.au/actingup/episode-202008101400/more-environmental-decline-likely-federal-government-seeks-devolve Music:    One Song    Archie Roachhttps://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Archie+Roach+One+Song#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:152b00da,vid:nFE78q6gKb0,st:0 Earth Matters Episode #1433  Produced by Judith Peppard 

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