Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittiarius

Dear Soul Family,Happy Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius! This eclipse is active from 4:45 am to 7:52 am Central, with totality lasting over 14 minutes from 6:11 to 6:26 am. Like all lunar eclipses this is an accelerated time portal where our focus of attention is amplified. This is a Super Eclipse with the Moon near perigee at its closest to the Earth this year.This Lunar Eclipse is epic in scale according to Toltec wisdom keepers, fully launches us into the Age of the Si...

Om Podcasten

Astrologer and Earth Mystic Tami Brunk's monthly and weekly astrology forecasts and interviews to awaken your inner Earth Sky Woman. She who helps us bridge the chasm between the Age of Forgetfulness and the Age of Remembering. These episodes weave together the worlds of soul and spirit, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, modern and indigenous, ancestors and descendants. Interviews will include practical tools and visionary insight from world-changers creating the new economic ecosystems, spiritual technologies, bioregional communities, permaculture and ecovillage systems, regenerative enterprises, and more.