Olivia de Maigret - Women’s & Pelvic Floor Health

In this inspiring episode, we have the privilege of hosting Olivia de Maigret, as she shares her insights on pelvic health. Olivia is a fully qualified and registered osteopath based in central London and is a fully qualified pelvic floor rehabilitation therapist from the De Gasqu et Institute in Paris. Join us as we delve into the fascinating topic of how movement and our pelvic floor are interconnected and discover the secrets to maintaining optimal pelvic health. Olivia will guide us through a journey of understanding, starting with the basics – how to pee. Yes, it may sound simple, but Olivia will shed light on the importance of proper technique and why it matters for our pelvic health. Olivia's expertise and passion will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to take charge of your pelvic health journey.  

Om Podcasten

Yalda Alaoui is a gut health and inflammation expert and the founder of Eat Burn Sleep, an online educational health platform focused on teaching people how to reach optimal health by living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Yalda founded the platform after her battle with two autoimmune conditions led her to educate herself, change her diet and lifestyle, and subsequently put her ulcerative colitis and auto-immune haemolytic anaemia into remission. Since its foundation, hundreds of people, including doctors (MDs) have been following the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle and have achieved incredible results by lowering their inflammation levels. On the Eat Burn Sleep podcast, Yalda invites inspiring people who have reached a level of excellence in their sector to share with us their experience and knowledge. Share this podcast with someone who would enjoy it!