Skin Cancer Recovery with Sofia Toubani

In this episode, my guest is Sofia Toubani, a member of the EBS lifestyle who suffered from a skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal. She candidly shares her story with us; how she discovered the EBS platform and the crucial role it played in her road to recovery. We also talk about all the health taboos that surround cancer, especially ones like her type, which is common yet tends to not be widely discussed. Lastly, we go into detail about the vegan diet, myths related to veganism, and why I don't believe this diet is helpful in recovery from disease or for improving overall general health.

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Yalda Alaoui is a gut health and inflammation expert and the founder of Eat Burn Sleep, an online educational health platform focused on teaching people how to reach optimal health by living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Yalda founded the platform after her battle with two autoimmune conditions led her to educate herself, change her diet and lifestyle, and subsequently put her ulcerative colitis and auto-immune haemolytic anaemia into remission. Since its foundation, hundreds of people, including doctors (MDs) have been following the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle and have achieved incredible results by lowering their inflammation levels. On the Eat Burn Sleep podcast, Yalda invites inspiring people who have reached a level of excellence in their sector to share with us their experience and knowledge. Share this podcast with someone who would enjoy it!