DTC Holsters Are a Last Line of Defense

In 2015 Mike Pfeiffer made a few firearm holsters at home for his own use. Then he mentioned them on his YouTube channel, Last Line of Defense. Followers began asking if they could buy them. Fast forward to 2022, and Last Line of Defense is a Drupal-powered direct-to-consumer ecommerce business with annual revenue of $500,000. Here's his story. An abbreviated transcript is at https://pec-ly.com/?6lt4.

Om Podcasten

Ecommerce Conversations is the long-running weekly podcast from Practical Ecommerce, hosted by ecommerce entrepreneur Eric Bandholz.           •• Listen in as Eric interviews in-the-trenches founders and executives who address the essentials of launching, growing, and sustaining an online business. Hear their successes, mistakes, and plans — addressing customer acquisition, web traffic, marketing tactics, on-site conversion, shipping, favorite tools, funding, obstacles, and much more.    •• New episodes every Friday. Subscribe to the podcast here, and then read a condensed transcript at https://www.PracticalEcommerce.com/tag/podcasts.