The Top Lessons Learned From 500 Episodes

Ever wondered what it's like to create 500 podcast episodes over a decade? Embarking on this adventure in 2013, our journey from episode #1 has been filled with continuous learning, growth, and invaluable insights about people and dynamics. In this milestone 500th episode, join me as I share the most significant lessons learned, the biggest mistake I wish to redo, and the essential takeaways from this extensive experience. Listen in as I dive into the real worth of having a personal brand and all the lessons learned from 500 episodes of podcasting. I also discuss the cool perks of direct media, why you don't need to interject to sound smart, the importance of digging into what makes people tick, and why zeroing in on your niche audience is key. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: Interested in our Private Community for 7-Figure Store Owners?  Learn more here.   Want to hear about new episodes and eCommerce news round-ups?  Subscribe via email.

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Looking for detailed information from top experts on researching, launching and growing your online eCommerce business? Look no further. Join your host Andrew Youderian, an experienced eCommerce entrepreneur, each week as he pulls aside some of the industry's top experts to give you down to earth, actionable advice served up with a side of comic relief. Learn from the masters how to turn your 'make money online' attempt into a profitable, growing online store. Get show notes, in-depth eCommerce Fuel posts and your free copy of Andrew's highly reviewed 55-page eCommerce guide at