Top Non-COVID-19 AAC Papers of 2020: A discussion with early stage investigators (AAC ed.)

What influential research outside of COVID-19 was published in AAC in 2020? Objectives: • Discuss pathways of young scientists in antimicrobial resistance • Highlight important papers in AAC in 2020 that were not related to COVID-19 • Stimulate discussion in important topics related to antimicrobial agents I want to welcome my co-host Dr. Maria Fernanda Mojica who is the host of the ASM Journal Club focused on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance. Dr. Mojica is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Case Western Reserve University. Joining us to discuss their experiences and top paper of AAC in 2020 are: • Dr. Ayesha Khan: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX • Dr. Alina Iovleva: Clinical Instructor and Burroughs Wellcome Fund Scholar, University of Pittsburgh and UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA

Om Podcasten

Editors in Conversation is the official podcast of the American Society for Microbiology Journals. Editors in Conversation features discussions between ASM Journals Editors, researchers and clinicians working on the most cutting edge issues in the microbial sciences. Topics include laboratory diagnosis and clinical treatment of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, epidemiology of infections, multidrug-resistant organisms, pharmacology of antimicrobial agents, susceptibility testing, and more. The podcast is directed to microbiologists, infectious diseases clinicians, pharmacists and basic, clinical and translational researchers interested in the microbial sciences. A particular emphasis is on basic, epidemiological and pharmacological aspects of infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance and therapeutics.