Summer Break

While I take a short break over the summer holidays here are some resources you may not have seen or heard that will keep your FIRE burning.There are LIVE video podcasts on YouTube which have not been released on the audio platforms due to the visual elements. You can find them at have been a guest on a number of podcasts where I get to share thoughts and ideas that may be new to you because they have a slightly different educational focus.They are:Podcasters United with Tracy Hazzard - How Global Teaching Techniques Empower Your Child’s Learning With Mark Taylor Of Education On FireGreat Dad Talks with Paul Banas - The Power of Open Conversations with Mark TaylorDeal By Me Podcast with Dr. James W. Smith - Mark Taylor says that he doesn’t remember much about the education policies at the time he was at school but he does remember the classes and teachers that got him excited about learning, and those that created an environment for him to grow, thrive and be himself. WHAT AN EXCITING AND ENJOYABLE INTERVIEW!!! Out of the Trenches Podcast with Dana Goodier - Are you in the trenches as an educator? You're not alone. Hear from those who have been in the trenches and managed to come out intact. Hear their stories! Mark Taylor's EpisodeCoffee Time Again with Dale Hutchinson - The major differences between English and American Education systems today and yesterday.Show Sponsor – National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) the show at

Om Podcasten

Do you feel the education system is sucking the life out of you and the pupils you serve? I think many of us wish we could click our fingers and make it fit for purpose. A place of growth with shared learning that empowers pupils to be their best selves, so they can create a world they want to inhabit now and in the future. While a magic wand or a visionary politician might sound like the answer I believe change is already happening. Educators are changing futures one conversation at a time. New technology and the environments where we learn are beginning to look different both in and out of the classroom. I hope you are seeing this first hand and are excited about what you can share with your pupils. We are having conversations, sharing organisations and communities that are supporting education in a way that you may have not experienced. Educational change will come from us all working in way that supports the best interests of each of our pupils, personalised learning. Governments and policy makers will follow when they see fully how it can be different. So let us teach, coach, mentor and create an environment that fuels every child with feedback, inspiration, resilience and empowerment. The Education on Fire community is shining the torch, so no matter where you are in the world or how you are supporting children this podcast is here for you. ‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’