Chapter 17: Designing and managing marketing communications

Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and influence customers about their products. The Chapter explains the various elements of a marketing communications mix, including advertising, sales promotions, public relations, events and experiences, direct and interactive marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, and personal selling. The Chapter then explores different marketing strategies, including the importance of brand equity, micro-models of consumer responses, and the use of social media, along with the integration of marketing communications to build brand equity. Finally, the Chapter touches upon the growing importance of social media in marketing communications and the importance of building and maintaining positive brand relationships with customers.

Om Podcasten

Explore the transformative power of technology (e.g., blockchain and AI), marketing, and brand management with 'EduChain Envision'. Created by a Finnish professor, this podcast delves into cutting-edge educational and industry insights, discussing future trends, practical applications, and expert opinions to equip listeners with the knowledge to navigate and shape tomorrow's market landscapes.