31 - Hannah Buchan; Life coaching, Mindful Parenting and a few swear words

Ever wondered what a Life coach is, wondered how they might be able to help your business and your, well life?! I'm seven sessions in with my Life Coach Hannah Buchan and have to say it's been life-changing. Giving yourself some time and space to think about your values, your direction and your legacy is imperative, and employing the services of a coach will force you to take time out and evaluate. In this episode we talk about the importance of values and how you can begin to identify yours. Books we mention are Into the Magic Shop by Dr James Doty and The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. If you enjoyed this episode I'd love if you leave a rating or review, if you'd like to get in touch with me please drop me a line kylie@weareegg.co.uk or Insta @egcommunity. Hannah Buchan can be found https://www.hannahbuchancoaching.com/ and on Insta @hannahbuchancoaching

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Welcome to the egg talks to podcast where you’ll hear me in conversation with some fierce Scottish females on a whole range of topics from being a modern mother to running a business, from sustainable fashion to not so sustainable sex... and most things in-between! Real life relatable stuff, my hope is you listen, learn and hopefully laugh too.