TPP SystmOne Update on visualisations.

Join DrGandalf and the team from TPP as they share the latest updates to TPP SystmOne including key details about the new visualisations module. Join the TPP S1 course for clinicians: 00:00 S1 FBUG livestream 01:13 Visualisation demo 24:29 Visualisation examples 39:16 SystmOne Look and Feel 41:30 HRT prepayment update 44:45 Appointment methods 48:49 Things still here 51:38 Brigid announcement 52:55 Q&A 59:16 Future content Join the TPP S1 course for clinicians...

Om Podcasten

eGPlearning Podblast is a the audio podcast for eGPlearning by two Nottingham-based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators. Hosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster) as they tech-enhance primary care and learning.