Title-Cast: Three Teams, One Simultaneous Recap!

The boys take us through a first-of-its-kind SIMUL-REVIEW, as all three top teams in La Liga (Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Atletico Madrid) played at the same time on Sunday. The games are reviewed minute by minute and compared and contrasted to one another to give you every angle on all the goals, and the drama, to see who came out of the it with title hopes, or regrets (23:00). It's the penultimate weekend, and we have ALL the action covered for you, from a historic Sunday of Spanish footbal...

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Mark is a Real Madrid fan. Payton is a Barcelona fan. Both are American soccer converts, and always manage to be upset about something, even though they support the two most successful clubs of all time. Listen in as the boys explain exactly why the current coaches/owners of their teams are idiots, and what they would do instead.