Absent Space

We wrongly consider that things (including the human self) possess their own inherent nature. The subtle and profound emptiness realized on the bodhisattva path is an ultimate truth. This ultimate truth is a negative phenomenon -- the mere absence of a certain type of self (i.e., a certain kind of existence) in phenomena. In Buddhism, ultimate truth is an absence, not a presence.

Om Podcasten

Experimental ambient project realized with the use of sound overlaps, causal collisions and cosmic echoes. Thanks for being here, comments, opinions and collaborations are always welcome. For a best experience, if you can, please use headphones. Logo: https://pixabay.com/it/users/pinkpanthress-2154882/ Stones: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/rocce-pietre-sabbia-bianca-equilibrio-8800327/