Electric Echoes In A White Sky (naviarhaiku421)

Inspired by this haiku written by Yoshida Donguri, haiku poet who lives in Hokkaido White and white Heaven and bottom useless –Winter cloudy https://www.naviarrecords.com/2022/01/26/naviarhaiku421-white-and-white/

Om Podcasten

Experimental ambient project realized with the use of sound overlaps, causal collisions and cosmic echoes. Thanks for being here, comments, opinions and collaborations are always welcome. For a best experience, if you can, please use headphones. Logo: https://pixabay.com/it/users/pinkpanthress-2154882/ Stones: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/rocce-pietre-sabbia-bianca-equilibrio-8800327/