Outside In The Distance (feat. Hanklebury)

The idea of ​​this track comes from listening to the song On an October Afternoon (https://soundcloud.com/hanklebury/on-an-october-afternoon?si=f24254bc966e4342b4f42c2717f43f59&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) by Hanklebury (https://soundcloud.com/hanklebury). I processed the voice present in the track as if it were a distant chant... Thanks to the author for the permission to rework and publish the track. I invite you to visit his very interesting Soundcloud page.

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Experimental ambient project realized with the use of sound overlaps, causal collisions and cosmic echoes. Thanks for being here, comments, opinions and collaborations are always welcome. For a best experience, if you can, please use headphones. Logo: https://pixabay.com/it/users/pinkpanthress-2154882/ Stones: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/rocce-pietre-sabbia-bianca-equilibrio-8800327/