Weaving In A Sudden Breeze (naviarhaiku473)

Inspired by this haiku written by Mark Miller, an award-winning poet and photographer who has published four books of poetry, the latest being Light and Counterlight (Ginninderra Press, 2020). Sudden breeze every strand of the spider’s web in tune Picture by Tamas Kolossa https://unsplash.com/@kolossaphoto Thanks to Naviar Records: https://soundcloud.com/naviar-records/sets/haiku-473-sudden-breeze-every https://www.naviarrecords.com/2023/01/25/naviarhaiku473-sudden-breeze/

Om Podcasten

Experimental ambient project realized with the use of sound overlaps, causal collisions and cosmic echoes. Thanks for being here, comments, opinions and collaborations are always welcome. For a best experience, if you can, please use headphones. Logo: https://pixabay.com/it/users/pinkpanthress-2154882/ Stones: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/rocce-pietre-sabbia-bianca-equilibrio-8800327/