EP141: Electronic Sound Magazine interviews Martyn | BONUS EPISODE

The tables are turned for today's electrical podcast, with Martyn being interviewed by music journalist and co-founder of Electronic Sound magazine, Mark Roland. For the Cover story of Electronic Sound issue 101, ES writer Neil Mason tackles the birth of the British Electric Foundation and the making of the recently re-released album 'Music For Stowaways'. The feature is a jumping off point for Martyn and Mark to chat about sound, art, the business of music, and the two previously unreleased Martyn Ware tracks which feature on a blue vinyl seven-inch single that comes with the magazine - available at electronicsound.co.uk. Enjoy! If you can, please support the Electronically Yours podcast via my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/electronicallyours

Om Podcasten

Heaven 17, British Electric Foundation and Illustrious Company's Martyn Ware talks to the famous artists from the worlds of music, art, film, comedy, TV and creativity that he's encountered during his 40 year career. These interviews are rare and precious gems, featuring a raw and sometimes irreverent take on life and the things that make life worth living, Diving deep into the biographical ocean, these podcasts are an unmissable insight into a series of fascinating lives... Production and occasional musical interludes by Charles Stooke Engineer - Charles Stooke, Artwork - Malcolm Garrett.