Client Side Drag and Drop with LiveView + Learning Elixir and Phoenix with Kelsey Leftwich - EMx 130

Kelsey Leftwich explains how Phoenix LiveView made it possible to build a simple drag and drop component without the need for a large front-end framework like React and clunky back-end API setup to make it work. She then described her journey into learning Elixir and Phoenix coming from a React and front-end background. Panel Adi IyengarAllen WymaCharles Max Wood Guest Kelsey Leftwich Sponsors Dev Influencers Accelerator Links Surface UIClient-Side Drag and Drop with Phoenix LiveViewLearn ElixirTwitter: Kelsey Leftwich ( @kelseyleftwich ) Picks Adi- LiveView CourseAdi- Joy of Elixir Allen- Modern CSS with TailwindCharles- Workout buddiesCharles- Focus Blocks Contact Adi: Adi Iyengar – The Bug CatcherGitHub: Adi Iyengar ( thebugcatcher )Twitter: Adi Iyengar ( @lebugcatcher ) Contact Allen: Plangora  Plangora LimitedPlangora – YouTubePlangora | FacebookTech_Plangora Limited_Elixir | InstagramTwitter: Plangora ( @Plangora )LinkedIn: Plangora – Web and Mobile DevelopmentPlangora – Reddit Flying High With Flutter Flying High With FlutterFlying High with Flutter – YouTubeFlying High with Flutter | FacebookFlying High With Flutter | InstagramTwitter: Flying High with Flutter ( @fhwflutter ) Teach Me Code

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