“How MONK MODE Makes Men Stronger” with Special Guest David Hammond | 17
This week on the Elliott Hulse Podcast, David Hammond discussed his journey of self-development over the past five years and the role YouTube played in inspiring him to pursue his dreams. He is a self-development coach who specializes in intersexual dynamics, helping young men with their struggles, sharing his own experience with no fap for three years before he found success with it at 21.In this conversation, David talks about how their generation had ample access to porn in their pockets and how he was able to recognize the dangers of it early on. He also discussed the elimination of masturbation, which was not a popular topic of conversation when he was growing up. They discussed the importance of taking control of one's own life and the need to combat the decadence of society. Tackling the issue of no fap, which is a natural issue for every man in today's world is necessary to avoid the dangers of pornography and masturbation.In this episode:-Masculinity and Self-Development in the Digital Age.-The Effects of Pornography and Masturbation on Men's Health.-Benefits of No Fap: A Discussion on Sexual Freedom and Initiation.-Holding Yourself Accountable With Self-Discipline and Celibacy.-The Dangers of Idolizing Women and Necessity of Judgment and Fear of Punishment in Christianity.Gain control over your drinking, quit drugs, over-eating, over-working or viewing filth on your phone FOREVER... So you can take back your life and be the man you're meant to be: https://www.waronvice.com/Meet Elliott Hulse http://www.elliotthulse.comThere Is A WAR On Masculinity: https://www.makemenstrongagain.com/Join The King's Militia: http://www.kingsmilitia.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliotthulse/Meet David Hammond on social Media at:YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Self-DevelopedInstagram: https://instagram.com/imdavidhammond?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=