Best Case Ever 10: Pediatric Syncope

Pediatric Syncope usually has a benign cause, but may be a warning for sudden death. As a bonus to Episode 25 on ‘Pediatric & Adult Syncope’ with Dr. Eric Letovsky and Dr. Anna Jarvis, 'Canada's mother of Pediatric Emergency Medicine', we have Dr. Jarvis’s Best Case Ever. In the related episode we will cover how to differentiate syncope from seizure, key historical and physical exam clues to determine a cause of syncope, ECG pearls of syncope causing cardiac conditions, from Congenital Prolonged QT Syndrome to Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy, the value of syncope decision rules such as the ROSE rule and the San Francisco Syncope Rule, the value of ancillary testing, including Holter monitoring, Echocardiograms and Stress Testing and much more...... [wpfilebase tag=file id=386 tpl=emc-play /] [wpfilebase tag=file id=387 tpl=emc-mp3 /]

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