Best Case Ever 51 – Anticoagulants and GI Bleed with Walter Himmel

In anticipation of Episode 88 and 89: DOACs Use, Misuse and Reversal with the president of Thrombosis Canada and world renowned thrombosis researcher Dr. Jim Douketis, internist and thrombosis expert Dr. Benjamin Bell and 'The Walking Encyclopedia of EM' Dr. Walter Himmel, we have Dr. Himmel telling us the story of his Best Case Ever on anticoagulants and GI bleed. He discusses the most important contraindication to DOACs, the importance of not only attempting to reverse the effects of anticoagulants in a bleeding patient but managing the bleed itself and more great pearls. In the upcoming episodes we'll run through 6 cases and cover the clinical use of DOACs, how they work, safety, indications, contraindications, management of minor, moderate and severe bleeding, the new DOAC reversal agents, management of DVT with DOAC anticoagulants, stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation with DOACs and much more...   Published by Anton Helman, November 2016   Dr. Himmel and Dr. Helman have no conflicts of interest to declare   FOAMed Resources on Management of Massive GI Bleed Salim Rezaie on ALiEM evidence based management EMDocs post on the unstable patient with gastrointestinal bleeding Justin Morgenstern on First10EM on management of massive GI bleed EM Lyceum covers upper GI bleeding   FOAMed Resources on Dabigitran and Bleeding EM Cases on bleeding on Dabigitran in Episode 37: Anticoagulants, PCCs & Platelets LITFL reviews dabigitran and bleeding RebelEM discusses reversal agent for dabigitran  

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