Episode 10 - Bright Red Blood Per Rectum

Vitals & Useful Links: Learn about one etiology of lower GI bleeding. See spoilers below if you want to know which one. Podcast: Approach to GI Bleed - EM Clerkship Podcast  Clinical Reference: Approach to Acute Lower GI Bleed This week the gang is back together to pay homage to Episode 1. Kyle (MS4) leads Arman (MS4) and Adam (MS3) through a case of an elderly male with bright red blood per rectum (bloody poops part 2). How would you approach this case? As always, we learn a couple very important points about evaluating GI bleeds. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please email us at emjccast@gmail.com. *EPISODE SPOILERS BELOW* UpToDate Page on Radiation Proctitis Friedman, L., & Hong, T. (2019). Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of radiation proctitis. In C. G. Willett (Ed.), UpToDate. Retrieved November 16, 2020. Here's the article on prophylactic sucralfate Hovdenak, N., Sørbye, H., & Dahl, O. (2005). Sucralfate does not ameliorate acute radiation proctitis: randomised study and meta-analysis. Clinical Oncology, 17(6), 485-491. And here's the article on sucralfate paste enemas McElvanna, K., Wilson, A., & Irwin, T. (2014). Sucralfate paste enema: a new method of topical treatment for haemorrhagic radiation proctitis. Colorectal Disease, 16(4), 281-284. Lastly, here's the article on hyperbaric oxygen therapy Clarke, R. E., Tenorio, L. C., Hussey, J. R., Toklu, A. S., Cone, D. L., Hinojosa, J. G., ... & Walker, M. B. (2008). Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of chronic refractory radiation proctitis: a randomized and controlled double-blind crossover trial with long-term follow-up. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 72(1), 134-143. DISCLAIMER: The views/opinions expressed in this podcast are that of the hosts/guests and do not reflect their respective institutions. This is NOT a medical advice podcast, if you are having a medical emergency you should call 911 and get help. This is an educational podcast, and as such, sometimes we get things wrong - if you notice this, please email us at emjccast@gmail.com. Intro Music: "Walk Through the Park" by Track Tribe

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EMJC Cast is a podcast where a couple medical students teach each other about Emergency Medicine topics. EMJC Cast is not affiliated with any organization, and its hosts are not speaking on behalf of their respective institutions. This is not a medical advice podcast.