137. Kids home for the summer? 8 tips to keep your sanity this summer and not lose your mind

Feeling dread as the school ends knowing the stress of all the kids being home with you ALL DAY without a break? I get it, I naturally get overwhlemed and stressed easily. In this episode I will share with you:8 tips to keep your sanity this summerTrick to get young kids engaged in activity and play alone for a whileHow I have quiet time set up in our home to give me space to re-charge mid day. I know it can feel really challening to be home with kiddos all day, you are not alone if...

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<p>This podcast for Christian moms who want to control their mom anger and respond with patience and calm. If you are a mom who struggles with burnout, unmanaged stress, constant yelling and explosive mom rage, you are in the right place. </p> </p><p>In this podcast you will learn how to partner with God and be in control of your intense emotions, overcome mom guilt and shame, manage your stress well while setting a positive example for your kids. </p> </p><p>Website: emotionallyhealthylegacy.com </p><p>Email: hello@emotionallyhealthylegacy.com </p>