143. Craving control over your kids? How to stop controlling your kids in everything they do //Jeanette Tapley

If you ever struggled with desiring to control your childrens emotions and behaviors, you are not alone. It's very common and often times comes from a deeper reason. As a mom, one of the biggest reasons I often experience anger with my kids is when I feel that I can't control my child. In this episode you will learn: What happens in relationships when we try to control othersWhat does the Bible tell us about controlling othersHow do we surrender to God our children and their choices (ev...

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<p>This podcast for Christian moms who want to control their mom anger and respond with patience and calm. If you are a mom who struggles with burnout, unmanaged stress, constant yelling and explosive mom rage, you are in the right place. </p> </p><p>In this podcast you will learn how to partner with God and be in control of your intense emotions, overcome mom guilt and shame, manage your stress well while setting a positive example for your kids. </p> </p><p>Website: emotionallyhealthylegacy.com </p><p>Email: hello@emotionallyhealthylegacy.com </p>