EAW02 - Cyan Ta'eed, 2015 Telstra Victorian Business Woman of the Year

Founded in 2006 in Cyan's parent's garage. Envato is a creative eco-system, encompassing the largest digital marketplace in the world. Its 6 million members buy and sell digital stock and services. Envato has delivered over $400 million dollars of earnings to their community of creatives so far. Cyan is the 2015 Telstra Victorian Business Woman of the Year. And Envato was awarded Job Advisor's Coolest Company for Women 2015.Cyan Ta'eed is one of the most sought-after women on the speaker circuit, especially for women in tech and entrepreneurial events. She is determined to say "yes" to as many invitations as possible, even though she has fear, and suffers from impostor syndrome.

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Welcome to the empowering ambitious women podcast helping you to smash through the glass-ceiling to reach your full potential. Enlightening, challenging and empowering this show celebrates ambitious women and empowers women with big dreams who just know they were born to play a big game. Many women struggle with issues like advancing their career, owning their worth, and having visibility and influence. Our guests are extraordinary ambitious women and leaders who step up and share their personal stories of struggle, their insights and ups, and downs on their journey toward success. The best learning and empowerment comes from the ambitious women who have to lead the way. We believe that every woman is capable of achieving anything she desires. We are focused on having an impact and turning talk into action to bring about change with advancing women.