REBOOT: Close your eyes and wake up to constructive thinking (Hypno-pod 33 min)

To think is to be. To think in fear is to be uninformed. To be informed is to be able to think constructively. To be informed you need your own data points in addition to those of others.  We are two hypnotists and between us we have coached just over 3000 people in 20 years through fears, doubts and limiting belief systems.  We have found that peace of mind can come in two ways: through magical thinking "all is good" whether it is or isn't, or magical thinking in combination with constructive thought processes. We want to share them with you in a hypnotic exploration - which is part of our project Unpack Your Existence - to be released on Amazon 2022 with 34 more hypnotic explorations of what it is to be you.  We hope it brings peace, joy, pleasure and meaning.  You can reach us at

Om Podcasten

Det här är en podcast som utforskar Personality Engineering, konsten att förstå, kartlägga och designa om tankar, känslor och beteenden. Vi som utforskar har ägnat fyra år åt modellen som heter Beteende-Kompassen och är Fredrik Praesto och Ulf Sandström - Praesto Sandstrom.