“The Power of a Pause” by Laura Bailey

In today’s episode, you’ll hear a devotion written by Laura Bailey based on Ecclesiastes 7:9, which says, “Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools” (ESV).We pray today’s devotion reminds you that while you can’t control what happens to you, you can control your response.Related Resources: For more from Proverbs 31 Ministries, head to our website at proverbs31.org, where you can subscribe to Encouragement for Today Devotions in written format, delivered to your inbox each weekday.Download the free resource that we mentioned in today’s episode, “Speaking Shalom to Your Soul,” by clicking the link and entering your email address! We’ll send the resource straight to your inbox. Join our free Online Bible Study for the advent season, “Pointing to the Promise,” from November 6-December 24! Click here to read the transcript for this episode.We want to hear how this podcast has impacted you! Share your story with us here.

Om Podcasten

Life can be so challenging sometimes — we each understand this all too well. It’s not only the big things that seem out of our control, but it's also the little things we face each day. We forget our keys. A friend cancels on us. Our bank card gets declined. We wake up anxious. Negative thoughts fill our mind. It doesn’t take much to leave us feeling hopeless, confused, exhausted or stressed. We wonder what God has to say about what we’re experiencing, but sometimes just getting through the next few hours is hard enough. That’s why Proverbs 31 Ministries created the Encouragement For Today Podcast — a collection of 50 devotions to help you start your day with a biblical perspective you can carry with you no matter what lies ahead.