Endie Fiya: LIVE with Author, Artist, & Creative Director ~ Harlo Hendrix
Harlo Hendrix refers to herself as a "Middle-Aged Millennial" and "Renaissance Renegade." Former producer and re-occurring co-host on Saved N Sexy radio, Harlo is an author, entrepreneur, and community activist. She has written two publications under her pen name Toni Racell. One fictional novel called “Bread Pudding” and a collection of stories and poems called “The Experience Chronicles.” Her third and upcoming novel titled “Born Broken” is expected to be released early 2020. Harlo has a BFA in Visual Communications. She is also considered a light healer as a certified USUI RYOHO Reiki Master/Teacher and creates handmade healing jewelry of which the proceeds go to her community efforts called “Candy Collective Project.” Harlo is a wife, mother of 3 and grandmother of 3. Former Texas resident, born in San Francisco, California but considers Los Angeles her home. She currently resides in Las Vegas, NV.