Privacy Concerns Grow as Lawmakers Stall on Federal Law 1

While state privacy laws in California, Virginia and Colorado have helped lay the groundwork for a national privacy standard, there is still work to be done on figuring out exactly what an omnibus privacy bill should look like. In this episode of MediaTalk, we talk with two experts -- Alexandra Reeve Givens, president and CEO at the Center for Democracy and Technology, and Sheryl Kingstone, head of customer experience and commerce at 451 Research.

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Energy Evolution is a podcast from S&P Global Commodity Insights that explores how the energy industry is changing in response to the growing call for cleaner energy. Co-hosts Dan Testa and Taylor Kuykendall, veteran S&P Global Commodity Insights journalists, spend each episode talking to leading experts from the energy, mining and finance sectors and breaking down the energy transition trends that the policymakers, traders and industry professionals need to know about. The team uses the reporting firepower and data resources of Market Intelligence. It taps into experts worldwide to tackle the climate and energy issues of the day, as well as changes on the horizon.