The Conscious Workplace | S4 E3

According to some surveys, 85% of employees are reporting to be disengaged. A key part of that is the inclusivity and sense of belonging that we have in our workplaces. It's often the case that our workplaces have evolved over time and there's not really been a lot of conscious thought gone into them. In this episode we explore how can create a conscious workplace, particularly in the context of multigenerational working.

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Employee engagement and internal communications interviews, ideas and best practices. Every other Tuesday we will be exploring industry best practice and hearing from leading practitioners. We will hear how they are making internal communications, employee engagement and related areas a strategic priority. We will cut through the gloss and get to the down-to-earth, practical issues we face when raising the profile of this essential profession. Craig Smith from The Big Picture People (formally BigPicture Learning) is your host for the show.