178: From Doctor to Google Ads to Million Dollar SaaS Business | Rob Rawson of Time Doctor ⭐

Originally trained as a medical doctor and worked 3 years in hospitals in Australia, Rob Rawson has always had the desire to start and build his own business and started several businesses even during the time when he was studying medicine. He is now the founder of Staff.com, which is software for actionable productivity metrics and Timedoctor.com, which is time tracking and productivity for remote teams. Listen to Part II, right now: Making Millions in Profits... to Waste it ALL in the Investing World (a Continuation of EP 178). This Episode is Sponsored By: LinkedIn is offering free job post for healthcare and essential service organizations that need to quickly fill those critical roles with the people that would help us all. To post a health care or essential service job for free or if you’re in another industry and have some hiring needs, visit: millionaire-interviews.com/linkedin-jobs   Want to Support the Show? Well we'd love for you to join our Patreon Group!  What's in it for you?  Well you'll instantly get a scheduled call from Austin, where he'll help you with your current or future business... Sign-Up Now at millionaire-interviews.com/patreon. 😀😎😍 *** For Show Notes, Key Points, Contact Info, Resources Mentioned, & the Fabulous 4 Questions on this episode visit our website: Robert Rawson Interview. *** Support this Podcast via Patreon Feedback? Questions? Comments? We would love to hear from you! Hollar at us via: Facebook Group (@MiPViPs), or Twitter (@acpeek or @millionairepod), Instagram (@millionaire_interviews), LinkedIn (@austincpeek), Facebook (@millionaireinterviews), or Email: austin@millionaire-interviews.com. 😎😍😀  

Om Podcasten

Entrepreneur Inspiring Stories to Help Motivate, Build, & Grow Your Successful Business with a Master Class from Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders that tell it How It Is... Millionaire Interviews is actionable advice for the (future & present) Entrepreneur, Thought Leaders, Solopreneur, Youpreneur, and Small Business Owner. The host interviews Business Founders in the Product, Service, Real Estate, and Tech industries so they can teach you from their experience. Connect with other Listeners @ fb.com/groups/mipvips. Connect with the Show via email: austin@millionaire-interviews.com. So How Did this Podcast Get Made? Perseverance, hard work, and determination.