Kate Erickson shares her personal journey to becoming a confident Entrepreneur

Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. When you live life fearful of trying anything new, you’re taking away opportunities for growth, happiness, learning, and experiencing new things 2. The way to build confidence is through small actions that help you prove to yourself that you CAN do this 3. What got you here won't get you there... you have to make a change.

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John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is the modern day version of Think and Grow Rich with a revolutionary 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. Learn more at UncommonSuccessBook.com