Chicken Little

Patreon Request Month marches on with Matthew Bogatz's request for this weird, misbegotten relic from Disney's brief and regrettable "Let's try to be Dreamworks" period. Ever wanted to see a film with aliens, baseball, talking farm animals, 70s pop songs, ugly-ass half-rendered animation, lots and lots of pee jokes AND the guy from Scrubs in it? Well look no further, ya damn weirdo! Join Tony Goldmark, Erika Haynes, Luke Ski and David Spencer as they fry up some CHICKEN LITTLE!

Om Podcasten

The Walt Disney Company has created some of the greatest, most acclaimed works of art in the history of cinema, and also unfathomable amounts of absolute garbage. And the Disney+ streaming service is loaded with both! Join YouTube personality Tony Goldmark, aka Some Jerk With A Camera, and a rotating series of guests as each week they pick a Disney+ title completely at random, dissect it for your amusement, and determine it to be "Disney Plus" or "Disney Minus." It's ESCAPE FROM VAULT DISNEY!