All Love Is Good Love

We go digging into the past to research the origins of where our current cultural views of sex and gender come from. Alfred Kinsey, the father of sex, and John Money, the father of gender. Listen, and then you decide... IS ALL “love” “good love”?

Om Podcasten

We hope to share our experiences of the various ways we’re attempting to escape the mad prison walls of our failing society. We encourage feedback and questions from all outlaws, hobos, and the generally curious. Maybe by sharing our stories, we can learn together and support all of us who love the Earth, who want a future for all children, and who are desperately seeking ways to heal. It doesn’t have to be this way, so let’s begin the new dawn NOW. For videos on some topics discussed and more, check out our YouTube channel: XgipyAS6eeeJXGbQ.