158 - Vamos al teatro: Moby Dick

Continuamos con nuestros capítulos extra, solo de audio, de mayor duración, para los amantes de los podcasts. Estos capítulos los puedes escuchar sin estar anclado a una pantalla. Son conversaciones más “sueltas”, y añadimos algunas dificultades extra para que vayas perfeccionando tu capacidad de comprensión del español hablado. Progresivamente te irás entrenando para comprender a cualquier nativo a su velocidad natural, incluso en ambientes ruidosos. El tema de hoy es “Moby Dick"…

Om Podcasten

Español Automático is based on my own experience that learning a foreign language is NOT difficult. I speak fluently 4 languages and I want to help anyone who dreams about speaking Spanish to achieve it in a natural, fun, stress-free and automatic way. Learning a foreign language may be a very satisfying experience if you do it the right way. So if you want to switch from learning Spanish to actually speaking it, Español Automático is your answer. Because life doesn’t have subtitles! Español Automático helps you improve Spanish listening and Spanish speaking skills. Karo Martínez shares anecdotes, real-world topics, personal and professional development materials creating Spanish immersion environment to help you speak Spanish fluently and effortlessly. This is the genuine Spanish you will never find in a textbook or classroom. This Podcast will benefit most intermediate and advanced learners, and people who needs to review their Spanish. You will benefit from language learning strategies that work, Spanish idioms and cool words frequently used in the Spanish-speaking world. Take your conversational Spanish up to the next level with our engaging authentic content! Visit EspanolAutomatico.com for transcript, worksheets and more freebies.