Sports Idioms in English

Download free PDF + quiz:  Sports are a huge part of American culture, and we even have a lot of sports idioms in English - informal expressions that come from baseball, football, tennis, and more! Today you’ll learn 12 sports idioms, what they mean, and how to use them. I recommend you download the PDF guide to this lesson, because it includes a quiz to help you practice these expressions. You can do that by clicking here get that PDF by e-mail. OK, let’s kick off this lesson - kick off means to start, and it’s from soccer, since the game starts with a player kicking the ball. That’s a little bonus expression for you! I hope you enjoyed these sports idioms - and now, the ball’s in your court - your next action is to download the PDF and try the quiz - give it your best shot! And if you’d like to continue learning idioms, come join my 300+ idioms course available at  

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