A new era in Middle Eastern politics?

Just two years ago, the idea of having Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Emir of Qatar visiting Turkey and Egypt, would have been a crazy fantasy. Now, it became a reality. In this episode: Jamal Elshayyal (@JamalsNews), Senior Correspondent, Al Jazeera English  Credits:This episode was produced by Khaled Soltan, Hayat Mongodin, and host Sami Zeidan. George Alwer is our sound designer. Aya Elmileik is our lead engagement producer and Munera AlDosari is our assistant engagement producer. Omar al-Saleh is our executive producer. Connect with us at:@AJEPodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Om Podcasten

In the world of news, headlines are essential, but providing in-depth analysis of news and current affairs became rare. We analyze the news and simplify complex geopolitical realities of the Middle East and wider Muslim world.  To help you make sense of it all, join our host Sami Zeidan.