New Digital IDs in Kashmir raises surveillance concerns

As India undertakes a vast digitisation push across the country, the government is now planning to roll out new digital IDs in Indian-administered Kashmir. While authorities say the new database would improve access to social welfare benefits, many Muslim Kashmiris see it as an attempt to exert further control over their lives. In this episode:  Farhan Mujahid Chak (@fchak), Chairperson of Kashmir Civitas, a Canadian NGO and associate professor of political science and international relations at Qatar University Episode credits: This episode was co-produced by Salem Alyafei and our intern Nada Shakir. The sound design was by George Al Wer and our recording engineer is Hamdi Aoun. Our engagement producer is Aya Elmileik and the assistant engagement producer is Adam Abou-Gad. Our executive producer is Omar Al Saleh and the head of audio is Ney Alvarez. Our show is hosted by Sami Zeidan. Connect with us: @AJEPodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

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In the world of news, headlines are essential, but providing in-depth analysis of news and current affairs became rare. We analyze the news and simplify complex geopolitical realities of the Middle East and wider Muslim world.  To help you make sense of it all, join our host Sami Zeidan.