Why is the halal economy booming?

The word "halal" in Arabic refers to something that is religiously permissible to consume or do. But today, it has become a huge industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The global Islamic economy report projects halal trade to be more than $330bn in 2025.  In this episode:  Jonathan A.J. Wilson (@drjonwilson), halal branding expert Episode credits: This episode was produced by Khaled Soltan. Our sound designer is George Alwer. The lead engagement producer is Aya Elmileik and the assistant engagement producer is Munera Al Dosari. Our executive producer is Omar Al Saleh. Ney Alvarez is the head of audio. The show is hosted by Sami Zeidan.  Connect with us: @AJEPodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

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In the world of news, headlines are essential, but providing in-depth analysis of news and current affairs became rare. We analyze the news and simplify complex geopolitical realities of the Middle East and wider Muslim world.  To help you make sense of it all, join our host Sami Zeidan.