Ep.09 - Hvordan går man fra hoved til hjertet?- Natasha Swerdloff

Fordi jeg har en international medvært i denne episode, udgiver jeg her på Engelsk.Rigtigt god fornøjelse.In this episode we talk with Natasha Swerdloff about going from our head to our heart. We have a conversation about Non-Duality and “The 3 Principles” of; Life Force, Consciousness and thoughts. Natasha is the co-author of the book “Coming Home “ and is responsible for the Principles Institute. Natasha has run her own business since 1996 focusing on; coaching, leadership training, communication, facilitation and organisational change. We met in a workshop she was teaching on constructive criticism. I quickly discovered Natasha’s interest in Non-Duality, and found it inspirational that Natasha was working with Non-duality in a corporate setting. We quickly bonded over our mutual interest in Non-duality and the Non-dual world-renowned teacher Rupert Spira. Natasha was kind enough to join me in my former recording studio in Copenhagen.Du kan læse en mere detaljeret opsummering at episoden påwww.etvenligtsind.comRedigeret af: Sebastian Lundqvist

Om Podcasten

Velkommen til Et Venligt Sind, din podcast om hvordan det spirituelle kan samle alle brikkerne i livets puslespil. Hvordan du kan forbinde dit spirituelle kerne med hverdagens praktiske virkelighed og opnå det liv og de relationer du drømmer om. Min navn er Jacob Hicks jeg er Kandidat i Sundehedsfremme samt udannet coach. Med udgangspunkt i blandt andet principper fra positiv psykologi, mindfullness, meditation, yoga, alternative behandlingsformer, tantra, taoisme og buddhisme, ønsker jeg at bringe mere selvkærlighed ind i dit liv. Jeg ønsker at du skal forbedre relationen til dig selv og dine nærmeste. Ønsker du at blive mere nærværende , at hvile mere i dig selv, at have mere energi og at få de forhold du altid har drømt om er du kommet det helt rigtigt sted.@etvenligtsind