31: Manifesting Mastery: Align With Your Higher Self and Heal Masculine Energy for Personal Reinvention
Hi pretty soul. Today's episode is more of a sacred insight to facilitate your manifestation journey and bring you closer to what you want. Here's what we'll be covering: Bridging Your Present to Your Desired Reality Breaking Out of the Wounded Masculine's Spell How To Connect with Your Higher Self 🌬️ Reinventing Your Energy If you're on a journey to break free from wounded masculinity and reinvent yourself, this episode is for you ✨ xoxo — Connect With Ethereal Girl + Resources — 🥂Free Dream Girl Frequency Email Series 14-day esoteric email series to awaken your feminine mystique and attract your dream life [Join Here] Share the podcast on your IG story & mention @etherealgirlpod Leave me a message & share your story Record here The body keeps the score (TW) : https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143127748?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzrosavent-20&creativeASIN=0143127748&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.84V0INJCBZQT&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ons_mixed_d_asin