29: Rich Girl Era | Part 1: Unlocking Feminine Energy To Manifest Wealth And Abundance
Kicking off Part 1 of my series on manifesting wealth and abundance, we're diving into the basics. This episode explores both ancient wisdom and modern perspectives, while shedding light on how channeling feminine energy brings forth opportunities for a life of material prosperity. I'll be sharing a game-changing mindset shift, the key to stepping into your "rich girl" era. This shift will help you build a harmonious bond with your inner Goddess energy as we continue through the series, uncovering the valuable wisdom of abundance in every aspect of life. — Connect With Ethereal Girl + Resources — 🥂Free Dream Girl Frequency Email Series 14-day esoteric email series to awaken your feminine mystique and attract your dream life [Join Here] Share the podcast on your IG story & mention @etherealgirlpod Leave me a message & share your story Record here Resource Mentioned: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html