Did You Say "Quantum" Computer?

What in the world are quantum computers, what can they do, and what are the potential ethical implications of this new powerful tech? Brian and I discuss these issues and more. And don’t worry! No knowledge of physics required. Brian Lenahan is the Founder & Chair of the Quantum Strategy Institute, author of “Quantum Boost: Using Quantum Computing to Supercharge Your Business”, writes extensively on quantum computing and artificial intelligence, and is a quantum strategist, working with companies to design unique quantum roadmaps. He is a university instructor and former executive with a Top 10 North American Bank.

Om Podcasten

I talk with the smartest people I can find working or researching anywhere near the intersection of emerging technologies and their ethical impacts. From AI to social media to quantum computers and blockchain. From hallucinating chatbots to AI judges to who gets control over decentralized applications. If it’s coming down the tech pipeline (or it’s here already), we’ll pick it apart, figure out its implications, and break down what we should do about it.