Transparency is Surveillance

Transparency for the sake of accountability is great, right? Well, not so fast. I talk with C. Thi Nguyen's thought-provoking argument that the pursuit of transparency can be counterproductive. C. Thi Nguyen is the Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah. His research concerns the ways in which our social structures and technologies can shape our values, agency, and rationality. He has written on games, trust, art, echo chambers, cultural appropriation, monuments, and group intimacy. His book is Games: Agency as Art. It was awarded the American Philosophical Associations 2021 Book Prize.

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I talk with the smartest people I can find working or researching anywhere near the intersection of emerging technologies and their ethical impacts. From AI to social media to quantum computers and blockchain. From hallucinating chatbots to AI judges to who gets control over decentralized applications. If it’s coming down the tech pipeline (or it’s here already), we’ll pick it apart, figure out its implications, and break down what we should do about it.