Showing Technologists the Power They Have

My conversation with Chris covered everything from government to corporate surveillance to why we should care about data privacy to the power that technologists have and how they should wield it responsibly. Always great to chat with Chris (we’ve been talking about this for 5 years now) and nice to bring it to a larger audience. Chris Wiggins is an associate professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and the chief data scientist at The New York Times. He is a member of Columbia’s Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering, a founding member of the University’s Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and the co-founder of hackNY, a New York City-based initiative seeking “to create and empower a community of student-technologists.”

Om Podcasten

I talk with the smartest people I can find working or researching anywhere near the intersection of emerging technologies and their ethical impacts. From AI to social media to quantum computers and blockchain. From hallucinating chatbots to AI judges to who gets control over decentralized applications. If it’s coming down the tech pipeline (or it’s here already), we’ll pick it apart, figure out its implications, and break down what we should do about it.