Are Pokémon Trainers Evil? – with Dr. Jen McCreight

When trainers battle with Pokémon, is it as bad as dog fighting? And how about eating Pokémon – what’s up with that? This week James is joined by Dr. Jen McCreight, the scientist in charge of Research Communications at 23andMe, a genomics PhD, and lifelong Pokémon lover! Pokémon is one of the most successful pop culture creations ever, beloved in its incarnations as a video game and anime series, as well as numerous films and a trading card game! But the series, which features human trainers raising little monsters and causing them to fight one another, provokes numerous ethical questions which parallel many of the discussions we have today over animal rights…

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Ethics and Chill explores the ethics of pop culture. We dive deep into things considered shallow, uncovering how pop culture shapes our understanding of right and wrong. Movies, TV shows, pop music, comics and more provide the modern myths which help us live our lives – and Ethics and Chill examines them all.