Ep 8 - Are Cats The Key To Detecting UFOs? I Wish I Had My Cat When I Saw A UFO over Montgomery, AL.

Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. The cat god, Bast, was viewed as a protection and the goddess of war. Many believe that cats were worshipped because they would eat vermin like rats, mice and even snakes — many of which carry disease. I believe that cats were worshipped because they can detect when portal open to other dimensions. Cats have six to eight times more rod cells which can detect light at low levels. Cats are especially good at detecting red, blue and yellow lights. According to Dimitris Hatzopoulos in his April 12, 2012 article “Quick Technical Overview: What We Think We Know About UFOs,” UFOs detected at night emit orange/yellow and red colors. If Dimitris’ analysis is correct, cats would be extremely useful in detecting UFOs?I wish I had a cat on July 11, 2018 when I spotted a craft in the skies above Montgomery, Alabama.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/event-horizon--2860481/support.

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A walk into the paranormal with a splash of conspiracy. It's what would happen if X-Files and David Icke had a baby. Take the Red Pill and let me show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Pull down the curtains, and put on your tinfoil hat. Remember, all I am offering you is the truth. Nothing more.#paranormal #paranormalpodcast #paranormal+podcast #spiritualityBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/event-horizon--2860481/support.