EFR 699: Three Secrets to Beating a Narcissist, the New Pandemic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and WIN & How to Never Be a Victim Again with Rebecca Zung

Narcissism Negotiator Rebecca Zung is here to share her must-know secrets to negotiating with narcissists and slaying the bully. She breaks down what narcissism is, how to tell someone is a narcissist, and how to navigate your triggers around narcissism so you can stop feeling like a victim. Rebecca says narcissists are the most toxic personalities on the planet. With over 19 million people diagnosed with Narcissism Personality Disorder, she also believes narcissism to be a new epidemic and potentially even a pandemic. So, how do we navigate a world where narcissism runs rampant? Rebecca Zung is a Narcissism Negotiation Expert, top 1% attorney, YouTuber, author, and speaker. Rebecca teaches people strategies and tactics for navigating narcissism in a powerful way. In her brand-new book, “Slay the Bully: How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and Win”, she gives you a simple formula which takes you from feeling like a victim to being victorious. Follow Rebecca Zung @rebeccazung Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning Key Highlights What is narcissism? Rebecca describes a narcissist as someone who feels completely empty inside and desperate for air, attention, or really anything. They’re unable to be empathetic and they’re in constant pain. They have a big hole inside of them that they want you to fill, but no matter how much you try, it can’t be filled. It’s important to acknowledge that there are people diagnosed with Narcissism Personality Disorder and there are people with narcissistic traits or tendencies. What are the signs and behaviors of narcissism? Rebecca breaks down how to tell someone is a narcissist or is being victimized by a narcissist. You negotiate every day of your life, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. How? Listen in to learn the various ways you negotiate with yourself and others throughout daily life. The 3 secrets to handling a narcissist: Don’t run, make a U-turn, and break free. Rebecca offers her top tips and advice on navigating your triggers around narcissism and negotiating with a narcissist. Can a narcissist ever heal and break free from narcissism? Tune in to find out! Episode resources: Get a FREE variety pack of Recharge electrolyte drink mix at https://www.DrinkLMNT.com/everforward  Save 20% on grass fed beef sticks with code EVERFORWARD at https://www.Paleovalley.com/everforward  Pre-order her book, Slay the Bully Learn more at RebeccaZung.com Subscribe to her YouTube channel Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss EFR 030: How to Negotiate Anything with FBI Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss

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Hi, I'm Chase Chewning (@chase_chewning on Instagram) and this is the podcast that is devoted to help you build a life that propels you forward - EVER FORWARD. Conversations with industry leaders in health and wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship, celebrities and entertainers, creatives, military and so much more. I am a US Army veteran, ACE Certified Health Coach, and I hold a BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.