EFR 700: How to Be Love(d) - Simple Truths for Going Easier on Yourself, Embracing Imperfection, & Loving Your Way to a Better Life with Humble the Poet
Humble the Poet goes deep about all things self-love, romantic love, overcoming societal pressures, and the true value of self-awareness and vulnerability. He highlights a few concepts from his new book, “How to Be Love(d): Simple Truths for Going Easier on Yourself, Embracing Imperfection, & Loving Your Way to a Better Life”. We all want a better, easier life, and we all want love. We all want to love and be loved… but what stops us from experiencing that and how can we create more pathways for love to enter our lives? That’s what we’re exploring in this episode. Humble the Poet (Kanwer Mahl) is a Canadian-born artist, rapper, spoken-word poet, international best-selling author, and former elementary school teacher with a wildly popular blog with over 100,000 monthly readers. He is the author of “Unlearn”, “Things No One Else Can Teach Us”, and most recently, “How to Be Love(d)”. Follow Humble the Poet @humblethepoet Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning Key Highlights Humble the Poet sheds light on his upbringing as a child of immigrants, from the fomo of celebrating holidays to the subtle awards for Americanizing yourself. What is society? What is society trying to pressure you to do? When you reflect on that, you begin to see the distinction between reward and punishment, needs and wants, truth and falsehoods. Why is it so hard to find love or to keep love? If you find yourself thinking that in a relationship, ask yourself: is this actually love? Love should not be demanding anything of you, other than honesty and presence. Humble shares the meaning behind his quote: “Love is the breeze, the work that we have to do is to open the sail.” Vulnerability is the key that unlocks love in all forms. If you don’t have love in your life, maybe your sail is just closed. How is vulnerability different than honesty? Tune in to hear Humble’s answer! Humble describes why we should abandon the concept of good and bad. We’re more in control of our relationship with ourselves. If we were kinder on ourselves, it’d be easier to be kinder to others. One of the biggest mistakes we make with love is measuring its value through a timeline. Love doesn’t have a timeline. To Humble, it’s all about creating pathways of love. Episode resources: Save 10% on MitoPure with code EVERFORWARD at https://www.TimelineNutrition.com/everforward Save 20% on For Today at-home male fertility test kit with code EVERFORWARD at https://testlegacy.com/everforward Watch and subscribe on YouTube https://youtu.be/uDuHYKwiesU Visit his website Buy his newest book, How to Be Love(d) by Humble the Poet